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번역 결과

"准确诊断焊接缺陷快速反馈" ~ 중 영어 번역




Fast Feedback for Accurate Diagnosis of Welding Defects

관련 콘텐츠

'单件设计必须易于焊接,严格焊前检查焊后处理,准确诊断焊接缺陷快速反馈,从具体正反两方面例子学习总结经验' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: One-piece design must be easy to weld,Strict pre-weld inspection and post-weld treatment,Fast Feedback for Accurate Diagnosis of Welding Defects,Learning and summing up experience from concrete positive and negative examples。
©2018 온라인 번역