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번역 결과

"目前收到同事反应,收到不明源头的发件人发送的邮件。声称是掌握了关键" ~ 중 영어 번역


1. 如何修改常用密码。
(See attached file: 密码常见问题FAQ.pdf)
2. 勒索邮件样板。
(See attached file: 欺诈邮件样板.JPG)
3. 全国IT联系方式。
(See attached file: 全国IT联系方式.pptx)


At present, I have received a response from my colleagues and an email from an unknown sender. Claiming to have mastered the key password requires you to pay for dollars or bitcoins.
We consider such emails to be fraudulent emails, which are just phishing emails because of the large number of password leaks from social networking and shopping websites last year. The other party has not grasped the substantive information content, do not reply/forward/open such mail. We have reported it to the German security department and notified the police.
Please disconnect the network and notify IT department as soon as you receive the mail. Thank you.
In addition, please update your passwords as soon as you receive this email.
1. How to modify common passwords.
(See attached file: password FAQ.pdf)
2. Blackmail model.
(See attached file: fraudulent mail template. JPG)
3. National IT contact information.
(See attached file: National IT contact information. pptx)

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