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"特殊情况申请修改培养计划 研究生登录个人账号后,进入个人培养计划维" ~ 중 영어 번역


特殊情况申请修改培养计划 研究生登录个人账号后,进入个人培养计划维护系统,在需要修改的课程对应的链接处申请修改,每修改一门课程填写一张表格。申请修改个人培养计划必须符合所在学科培养方案的要求,并经导师、院系审核通过。 * 正常情况下,研究生可在选课时间内自行修改并打印修改后的培养计划,经导师审核签字后提交院系教务部门。本申请适用于研究生在入学第一学期和拟毕业学期修改培养计划的申请。 * 对于已经选修的研究生课程,不能修改其培养计划或者课程成绩。 * 填完本表后打印,经导师签字、院系教务部门审核后,在院系重新备案个人培养计划。将本表和重新备案的个人培养计划复印件提交研究生院培养办公室。 如申请修改研究生课程成绩,请到注册中心网页上下载 《修改课程成绩申请表》


After applying for modification of the training plan in special circumstances, graduate students enter the personal training plan maintenance system and apply for modification at the corresponding links of the courses that need to be modified. Each revised course fills in a form. The application for amendment of the individual training plan must meet the requirements of the training plan of the subject and be approved by the tutor and the department. * Normally, postgraduates can revise and print the revised training plan themselves during the course selection period, and submit it it to the educational administration department of the faculty after the tutor's examination and signature. This application is applicable to postgraduate students in the first semester of admission and the proposed graduation semester to revise the training plan. * For the graduate courses that have been selected, the training plan or the course results can not be modified. * After completing this form and printing it, it will be signed by the tutor and examined by the educational administration department of the college and department, and then the personal training plan will be re-filed in the college and department. Copies of this form and the re-filed personal training plan will be submitted to the Graduate School Training Office. If you apply to revise the Graduate Course Achievement, please download the Application Form for Revising the Graduate Course Achievement from the Registry Website.

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