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번역 결과

"房型" ~ 중 영어 번역




layout of a house or an apartment

관련 콘텐츠

'房型 分房安排' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Type of apartment。
'姓名 性别 BU 部门 职位 所在地 身份证号码 手机号 房型 分房安排 checkin checkout 是否参加团建,请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写 请填写' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Name, Gender, BU Department, Position, Location, Identity Card Number, Cell Phone Number, Room Distribution Arrangement, Chein, Cheout,Please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in, please fill in。
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