온라인 번역 번역 쿼리
온라인으로 번역 할 내용 입력 ( 500 자까지 입력 가능)
내용은 로 번역됨

번역 결과

"非常抱歉,这个价格我们应该会放弃这个订单。因为大部分价格已经低于我" ~ 중 영어 번역


虽然我可以答应这个价格,然后出给你们不一样的东西。但是我们不会去做这种事情 的。


I'm sorry, but we should give up this order at this price. Because most of the prices are already below our cost price. The company can not accept losing money business, please understand.
Although I can promise this price, and then give you something different. But we're not going to do that.

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