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"如果你认为MB10F 我们1000PCS 如果连1元钱的价" ~ 중 영어 번역


如果你认为MB10F 我们1000PCS 如果连1元钱的价格都没有的话。这东西你敢不敢要


If you think MB10F and 1000PCS are not even priced at 1 yuan. You dare not ask for it.

관련 콘텐츠

'Dob ic:,如果你认为MB10F 我们1000PCS 如果连1元钱的价格都没有的话。这东西你敢不敢要,Dob ic:,所以,请相信我给你们的价格。我们现在已经是把你们当长久的大客户对待,如果你们仅仅是需要价格便宜的。我可以给你们0.03的单价,我还想问一下,你们以前的供应商,会不会告诉你。他们的MB10F是多少MIL的' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Dob ic:,If you think MB10F and 1000PCS are not even priced at 1 yuan. You dare not ask for it.,Dob ic:,So, please believe the price I gave you. We are now treating you as long-term big customers.,If you just need something cheaper. I can give you the unit price of 0.03.,I also want to ask if your former suppliers will tell you. What's their MB10F MIL?。
'Dob ic:,如果你认为MB10F 我们1000PCS 如果连1元钱的价格都没有的话。这东西你敢不敢要,Dob ic:,所以,请相信我给你们的价格。我们现在已经是把你们当长久的大客户对待,如果你们仅仅是需要价格便宜的。我可以给你们0.03的单价' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Dob ic:,If you think MB10F and 1000PCS are not even priced at 1 yuan. You dare not ask for it.,Dob ic:,So, please believe the price I gave you. We are now treating you as long-term big customers.,If you just need something cheaper. I can give you the unit price of 0.03.。
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