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"是的" ~ 중 영어 번역





관련 콘텐츠

'是的,我是说我去其他客户那里问一下还有没有。我会去做的。但是不一定会有。目前问的客户都说没有' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Yes, I mean I'll go to other clients and ask if there's anything else. I will do it. But not necessarily. All the clients who are asking at present say no.。
'不是的,用1瓦的灯珠还是用12颗,功率是通过调节IC,控制电流输出来达到需求功率的,是的,是的,' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: No, we still use 12 beads with 1 watt. Power is achieved by adjusting IC and controlling current output.,Yes,Yes,。
'不是的,用1瓦的灯珠还是用12颗,功率是通过调节IC,控制电流输出来达到需求功率的,是的' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: No, we still use 12 beads with 1 watt. Power is achieved by adjusting IC and controlling current output.,Yes。
'不是的,用1瓦的灯珠还是用12颗,功率是通过调节IC,控制电流输出来达到需求功率的' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: No, we still use 12 beads with 1 watt. Power is achieved by adjusting IC and controlling current output.。
'是的,Ash:,what is the price for 100K?,劲阳陈奇山Sam13632900462:,你收货点在哪?' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Yes,Ash:,What is the price for 100K?,Jinyang Chen Qishan Sam 13632900462:,Where is your receiving place?。
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