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"胡冲" ~ 중 영어 번역




Hu Hong

관련 콘텐츠

'张敏:,关于你提到的西安国际医学中心的销售由谁负责和跟进的问题,我和王总已经沟通过了,这是民营医院,交给王总团队负责,作为一个贝朗,系统合作,请你和你的团队全力支持他们的工作。,胡冲' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Zhang Min:,As for who is responsible for and following up the sales of Xi'an International Medical Center, I have already communicated with Mr. Wang. This is a private hospital, which is entrusted to Mr. Wang's team. As a Belang, we should cooperate systematically. Please support their work with your team.,Hu Hong。
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