온라인 번역 번역 쿼리
온라인으로 번역 할 내용 입력 ( 500 자까지 입력 가능)
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번역 결과

"工作时间从周一至周五,每天上午 8:00 点至下午 5:30 点," ~ 중 영어 번역


工作时间从周一至周五,每天上午 8:00 点至下午 5:30 点,午餐时间为1.5小时。


Working hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and lunch time is 1.5 hours.
Lunch time will be arranged according to the specific situation to ensure that at least one employee stays in the office at that time. These ones here
Work hours may be due to time periods of the year, personal arrangements of employees (after approval by management) and company's
Needs are different.

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©2018 온라인 번역