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온라인으로 번역 할 내용 입력 ( 500 자까지 입력 가능)
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번역 결과

"扣除个人五险一金和所得税前月工资玖仟圆,今后将按照该员工的工作表现" ~ 중 영어 번역




After deducting the personal five insurance and one gold and the monthly salary before income tax, the salary will increase annually according to the performance of the employee, the economic benefits of the company and the salary standard formulated by the company and approved by the board of directors.

관련 콘텐츠

'扣除个人五险一金和所得税前月工资玖仟圆,今后将按照该员工的工作表现、本公司的经济效益以及由本公司制定并经董事会批准的工资标准每年递增。(壹万元整)' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: After deducting the personal five insurance and one gold and the monthly salary before income tax, the salary will increase annually according to the performance of the employee, the economic benefits of the company and the salary standard formulated by the company and approved by the board of directors. (10,000 yuan)。
©2018 온라인 번역