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"有的" ~ 중 영어 번역




Yes, we have

관련 콘텐츠

'Dob ic:,如果你认为MB10F 我们1000PCS 如果连1元钱的价格都没有的话。这东西你敢不敢要,Dob ic:,所以,请相信我给你们的价格。我们现在已经是把你们当长久的大客户对待,如果你们仅仅是需要价格便宜的。我可以给你们0.03的单价,我还想问一下,你们以前的供应商,会不会告诉你。他们的MB10F是多少MIL的' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Dob ic:,If you think MB10F and 1000PCS are not even priced at 1 yuan. You dare not ask for it.,Dob ic:,So, please believe the price I gave you. We are now treating you as long-term big customers.,If you just need something cheaper. I can give you the unit price of 0.03.,I also want to ask if your former suppliers will tell you. What's their MB10F MIL?。
'Dob ic:,如果你认为MB10F 我们1000PCS 如果连1元钱的价格都没有的话。这东西你敢不敢要,Dob ic:,所以,请相信我给你们的价格。我们现在已经是把你们当长久的大客户对待,如果你们仅仅是需要价格便宜的。我可以给你们0.03的单价' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Dob ic:,If you think MB10F and 1000PCS are not even priced at 1 yuan. You dare not ask for it.,Dob ic:,So, please believe the price I gave you. We are now treating you as long-term big customers.,If you just need something cheaper. I can give you the unit price of 0.03.。
'如果你认为MB10F 我们1000PCS 如果连1元钱的价格都没有的话。这东西你敢不敢要' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: If you think MB10F and 1000PCS are not even priced at 1 yuan. You dare not ask for it.。
'各位,,和三位总经理aligned后,2019年SAM团队的新建项目将集中于12家,也就是跨三个部门,潜在贝朗整体销售大于500万的,这些医院将由sam的经理负责跟进和经销商管理,(原则上先看现有的经销商),现附上名单,有问题请反馈。,其余新建项目将由你们的销售去跟进。' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: EverybodyAfter aligned and three general managers, the new projects of the SAM team in 2019 will be concentrated in 12, that is, across three departments, with potential sales of more than 5 million. These hospitals will be followed up and managed by the manager of Sam (in principle, first look at the existing distributors). A list is attached. If you have any questions, please give us feedback.,The rest of the new projects will be followed up by your sales.。
'我找一下,但是有的只是中文的' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: I'll look for it, but some of them are in Chinese only.。
©2018 온라인 번역