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"为何在网上查到的却是:制程中质量控制(IPQC):英文全称是InP" ~ 중 영어 번역


为何在网上查到的却是:制程中质量控制(IPQC):英文全称是InPut Process Quality Control;也叫,或生产过程中的质量控制。由于IPQC采用的检验方式是在生产过程中的各工序之间巡回检查,所以又称为巡检。


What is found on the Internet is: quality control (IPQC) in the process: the full name of English is InPut Process Quality Control; also called, or quality control in the process of production. Because the inspection method adopted by IPQC is inspection tour in the process of production, it is also known as inspection.

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