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번역 결과

"网友们点赞黄秋生,其实并不是赞同其出轨行为,而是事情曝光后的担当," ~ 중 영어 번역




Friends point to Anthony Wong, in fact, not to approve of his derailment, but after the exposure of things, Anthony Wong after exposure, no choice to escape the problem, but dare to admit the fact, and Anthony Wong also shows that it does not want to affect the life of the child.
In fact, Anthony Wong dared to admit that this was also because of his own reasons, the other he was also a child, and Anthony Wong's father's Anthony Wong lost him and his mother when he was 4 years old. Anthony Wong followed his mother to live in Hongkong. Because he was a private child, he was often bullied by others, since everything was exposed. He did not want his children to be bullied because of illegitimate children. From this point of view, Anthony Wong is a very responsible father.

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