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"VDR5222昨天客人過來開會提到4個方面需要我司提供方案,後續講" ~ 중 영어 번역


VDR5222昨天客人過來開會提到4個方面需要我司提供方案,後續講把Oval brush推廣到其他的品牌銷售,提高銷量,但需要做一些差異化,請安排會議討論如下:


VDR5222 guests came to the meeting yesterday to mention 4 aspects of the need for our company to provide the plan, follow up the Oval brush to other brand sales, improve sales, but need to do some differences, please arrange the meeting to discuss the following:
1. to change color, we need to explain the color template cycle and the whole development cycle.
2. cost reduction version of existing products, especially for high cost parts of existing products, does not affect the function and selling points of the entire product.
3. the substitution of negative ions is cancelled.
4. the reopening of the mold is smaller and lighter.
We need to export the feasibility report to our department during this week.

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