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번역 결과

"非常棒的手链!金属部件都是钛钢的!有份量,有质感!戴上后超有感!店" ~ 중 영어 번역


非常棒的手链!金属部件都是钛钢的!有份量,有质感!戴上后超有感!店家发货很快!偏远地区三天到货!赞~ 顺祝商家生意兴隆! 店家导购热情耐心!推荐的尺码非常合适!负责任的店家!值得推荐!


Great Bracelet! The metal parts are all titanium steel! Weight, quality! After wearing the super feeling! The store's shipments are fast! Three days in the remote area. Praise ~ Shun Zhu business business flourishing! Shopkeepers are passionate and patient! The recommended size is very good. Responsible shopkeeper! It's worth recommending!

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